Pinjaman Peribadi Cimb Bank Personal Loan

Pinjaman Peribadi Cimb Bank Personal Financing Loan

About Cimb Bank Personal Loan

Pinjaman Peribadi Cimb Bank Kelulusan 24 Jam! Nikmati pembiayaan yang pantas dan fleksibel. Semua layak membuat pinjaman. Jom apply loan sekarang. Dapatkan info seperti dibawah.

Cimb Bank Islamic Loan (Pinjaman Peribadi Islamik)

Cimb Bank Personal Loan Xpress Cash Financing-i

Enjoy fast and flexible financing up to 8X your gross monthly income (basic + fixed income) with Cimb Bank Personal Loan to make your dream a reality. It’s easy and hassle free! Individuals aged 21 to 60 years old*

  1. Minimum Monthly Gross Income Eligible with a minimum monthly gross income of RM800 (including variables, e.g. overtime and allowances).
  2. Eligibility for Pinjaman Peribadi Individuals aged 21 to 60 years old*, Malaysian citizen, No joint applications allowed. Minimum monthly gross income of RM800 (including variables, e.g. overtime and allowances).
  3. At least 6 (six) months of employment or business establishment. Minimum financing amount offered is RM3,000 with Maximum RM50,000 or up to 8X gross monthly income (whichever is lower).

*Maximum 65 years old upon maturity of loan tenure

Get Cimb Bank Personal Loan Financing Repayment Table Cimb Bank Personal Financing Repayment Table click repayment table –> cimb-20170817-Xpress-Cash-Financing-i-Monthly-Repayment-Table

Term Financing-i Secured by ASB Certificate

TF-i ASB based on the concept of Commodity Murabahah-Tawarruq which is secured by ASB Certificate, helps you to grow your wealth and achieve your financial goals.

  1. Malaysian Bumiputera only
  2. Profit rate of BR + 1.55% p.a.
  3. Enjoy a stable Profit Rate throughout your financing tenure; of which is being capped at Ceiling Profit Rate (CPR) of 10.75%.

PNB’s Disclaimer

The Master Prospectus of funds of ASNB dated 30 June 2017 and supplementary prospectuses dated 15 December 2017, 1 April, 9 July, 14 September 2018 and 2 January 2019 (“Prospectuses”), have been registered with the Securities Commission Malaysia. Please read and understand the content of the Prospectuses together with the Product Highlights Sheets which are available at ASNB website, branches and agents. Units will be issued upon receipt of the registration form referred to and accompanying the Prospectuses. Before investing, please consider the risks of investing as well as the fees and charges involved.

Unit prices and distribution payable, if any, may go down as well as up. Past performance of a fund should not be taken as indicative of its future performance.

Where unit trust financing is available, investors are advised to read and understand the contents of the unit trust financing risk disclosure statement before deciding to borrow to purchase units.

Important Notes BR as at 15 May 2019: 4.00%

Fees and Charges


Documentation Fee:

– ASB Certificate Lien Fee

– Nominal Stamp Duty

– RM 50 payable to Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad (ASNB)

– RM 10

  • Financing Tenure From 5 years up to a maximum of 35 years or 65 years of age (whichever is earlier).
  • Financing Amount Minimum RM10k; Maximum RM200k
  • High Margin of Financing (MOF) Up to 100% MOF + 5% Takaful coverage

Cimb Bank Personal Loan - Conventional Loan

Cimb Bank Cash Plus Personal Loan

An unsecured, hassle-free term loan to fulfill your dreams. No collaterals. No guarantors. Convenient repayment tenure up to 7 years and loan amount up to RM300,000 is only applicable for Existing to Bank customers. (Subject to eligibility criteria)

  1. Individuals aged 21 to 58 years old*
  2. As low as 6.88% per annum* Fixed interest rates from as low as 6.88% to 16.88% fixed per annum which is equivalent to Effective Interest Rates of 12.31% to 26.65% per annum.
  3. Eligibility Pinjaman Peribadi Conventional LoanIndividuals aged 21 to 58 years old*, Malaysian citizen, Minimum monthly gross income of RM2,000, In employment for more than 6 consecutive months, For self-employed, business to be active for more than 24 months
  4. Fees & Charges Late payment penalty: 1.0% p.a. on the instalment amount in arrears from overdue date.
  5. Early settlement Fee: Nil
  6. No additional fees No processing fees, no early settlement fees, no lock-in period and no stamp duty
  7. Loan tenure of up to 7 years Flexible payment period for up to 7 years


  • Loan tenure of 6 & 7 years is only applicable for Existing to Bank Customers. Additional criteria to be entitled for loan tenure of 6 & 7 years is age ≥30 years with a monthly gross income of ≥RM3,000.
  • New to Bank Customers and Existing to Bank Customers who do not fulfill the above criteria are entitled to a loan tenure of up to 5 years.
Loan TenureFixed Interest RateEquivalent to Effective Interest Rate (Fixed interest rate, reducing balance, daily rest. Subject to customer remaining until end of tenure)
2 to 5 Years6.88% p.a.12.31% p.a.
9.88% p.a.17.09% p.a.
11.88% p.a.20.13% p.a.
14.88% p.a.24.15% p.a.
6 to 7 Years6 Years7 Years
7.88% p.a.13.72% p.a.13.51% p.a.
10.88% p.a.18.26% p.a.17.92% p.a.
12.88% p.a.21.15% p.a.20.71% p.a.
16.88% p.a.26.65% p.a.26.03% p.a.

*Please note the the final approved Fixed Interest Rate and Effective Interest Rate are subject to the Bank’s approving criteria.

CIMB Bank Secured Overdraft Facility

A Facility that is made available in your CIMB Bank Current Account by pledging a collateral to the Bank.

  1. Individuals aged 21 to 70 years old
  2. Acceptable Collaterals : You can use collaterals you already have with CIMB Bank to secure an Overdraft Fixed Deposit, Selected Structured Products/FRNID and Selected Unit Trust Funds* Or you can use these collaterals instead- Amanah Saham Bumiputera Unit from Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad

*Please refer to our Sales Representative for latest acceptable Investment Product & Unit Trust Funds

More Savings

Enjoy Cimb Bank greater savings with interest charged only for the amount used.

Financial Liquidity

Manage your cash flow better with no minimum/fixed monthly repayment schedule.

Eligibility for Secured Overdraft

  1. Individuals aged 21 to 70 years old
  2. Malaysian or residents with PR status residing in Malaysia
  3. Owner of the collateral (free from any encumbrance)
  4. Minimum collateral of RM10,000-00
  5. Overdraft limit dependent on collateral pledged

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Personal Financing Loan

Get Pinjaman Peribadi Cimb Bank with Islamic Personal Loan, Conventional Financing, Secured ASB Certificate, Xpress Cash and Cash Plus. Apply now! Click here

Mohd Azwan

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