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Koperasi Amanah Pelaburan Berhad KAPB

History of Koperasi Amanah Pelaburan Berhad KAPB
Koperasi Amanah Pelaburan Berhad (KAPB) is an investment Cooperative supporting the growth of a dynamic and diversified local and global economy.
We do this through active investment and capital deployment in multiple sectors.
We are pioneering in the transformation of a new “corporate identity” for cooperative in Malaysia.Established since 2014, KAPB is operating through its various field of investments.
Within a short period of time,KAPB managed to make great achievements and successes.
The efforts exerted by its team of professionals, executives and experts in multi sectors of investments have made that success possible.
KAPB has a strategic vision to achieve a set of objectives and aspirations to create opportunity and encourage the low and middle income earner among Muslim’s to involve in corporate investments that generates high return, hence, contribute in the national economic transformation with the growth of the middle and upper income population among Muslims in Malaysia.
KAPB announces collaboration with POS Malaysia
Focus Malaysia 29 Nov 2018 12:45
The best form of investment are the ones that are designed and operated with the benefits of its members in mind. Led by a team of corporate business icons and investment specialists, Koperasi Amanah Pelaburan Berhad (KAPB), an innovative cooperative that offers high dividend* while emphasising the principles of Syariah in Malaysia has announced a strategic collaboration with Pos Malaysia Berhad
Product and Services KAPD
Capital & Equity Market, Automative Market, Auto Financing, Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT), Ar-Rahnu (Islamic Pawnbroking) & BIOGAS IS THE NEXT BIG ALTERNATIVE IN THE GLOBAL ENERGY MARKET
*source : FB KAPD
Koperasi Amanah Pelaburan Berhad KAPB was established on 14 November 2014 to realize the vision of its Executive Chairman and founder, Yg Bhg Dato’ Ilyas Mohamed – who imagined a cooperative as one of the leading “investment powerhouse“ in Malaysia, contributing towards the national economic transformation and social development.
Led by a team of corporate business icons and investment specialist, Koperasi Amanah Pelaburan Berhad was considered to be a profitable, innovative, diversified and sustainable cooperative in Malaysia that actively invest globally.
As a pioneering investment cooperative in Malaysia, Koperasi Amanah Pelaburan Berhad actively preserve and deploying capital with integrity and ingenuity to continuously support economic diversification through investment and business innovation in strategic sectors, creating lasting value for its members.
Focusing on innovative, industry-leading, high-growth companies, we invest in the automotive trading, renewable energy development and financial services. Koperasi Amanah Pelaburan Berhad KAPB investment approach prioritizes partnership and collaboration with leading corporations and a commitment to the highest standard of governance.
Since its establishment, Koperasi Amanah Pelaburan Berhad KAPB had managed to sustain the dividend payout to its over 4,000 members at a very competitive rate. This opportunity was created for all Malaysians among Muslims who has a strategic goal to achieve premium returns on their invested capital. Koperasi Amanah Pelaburan Berhad KAPB aims to reach a total of 100,000 registered members with RM500 million share capital by the year 2020.
Our Vision
To become a “boutique cooperative” pioneering the transformation of new “corporate identity” for cooperative in Malaysia.
Our Mission
To generate sustainable profits from the investments and deliver profitable returns to the shareholders.
Rights and Obligations of an Honorary Member:
An Honorary Member of Koperasi Amanah Pelaburan Berhad KAPB, shall at all times, have the following rights and obligations:-
- Liability is limited to the number of shares contributed;
- The distribution of dividend is limited to the number of shares contributed in the last period of the current financial year, if less, the distribution on an annual pro-rated basis;
- The right to be present and to speak at the Annual General Meeting of the Cooperative, subject to the scope of Honorary Membership, use of the funds of Honorary Members and any business arising with the Cooperative;
- To attend and present business projects at the level of the AMC and, if invited, the BOC’s Meeting;
- Business priority is given by the cooperative before offering to the public;
- Allowed to use the Cooperative infrastructure and facilities subject to the approval of the BOC;
- Have access to the Financial Management, Expenditure and Minutes of Meetings Report which is limited to and within the scope of the Honorary Members’ Fund and authorised by the BOC;
- Conduct and carry on business with the Cooperative’s business associates or enter into joint ventures with cooperative’s business associates, subject to written consent of the BOC.
- Maintains the good name and interest of the Cooperative at all times;
- Complies with the provisions of the Cooperative By-Laws and the Rules;
- Ensures that responsibilities towards the Cooperative are met;
- Prohibited from using the name of the Cooperative in any representation;
- Gives priority to the Cooperative in any business ventures; and,
- Complies with the undertaking and pledge as an Honorary Member of the Cooperative.
- For more information, feel free to contact us at +603 2711 0050/0051.
Fill in and email to
To be eligible as an Honorary Member, a cooperative Koperasi Amanah Pelaburan Berhad KAPB, an individual or business entity must be:
- Citizen or Non-Citizen who is eligible to do business in Malaysia;
- Contributes shares in the Cooperative Honorary Members’ fund for a minimum of RM50,000, with an aggregate amount of RM10,000 for each addition and withdrawal, for each honorary membership;
- Produces a Letter of Undertaking to the Cooperative regarding the rights as an Honorary Member as well as the liability as an Honorary Member;
- Has not been convicted for a registrable offence of which is still in force, or has been removed from the membership of any cooperative within one year;
- Agrees with the Cooperative that the shareholding contribution should be placed in the Cooperative and shall remain at least for a period of 2 years from the admission date of their honorary membership.
In order to become a Koperasi Amanah Pelaburan Berhad KAPB member, you MUST
- be a Malaysian;
- be a Muslim;
- attained the age of 18 years old;
- not be mentally disabled;
- not be an undischarged bankrupt;
- not be a person whom conviction stands for a register-able offence; and
- not been expelled from membership under this Act and a period of one (1) year has not elapsed from the date of such expulsion.
Contact Koperasi Amanah Pelaburan Berhad KAPB
- Whatsapp: 019-2983056
- Tel: 019-2983056 / 03-2711 0051
Level 18, Menara 2, Menara Kembar Bank Rakyat,
No 33, Jalan Rakyat,
50470 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA - Opening Hours:
8.30am-5pm Monday to Friday -