Koperasi Kumpulan Johor Corporation Berhad KOPJCORP

Koperasi Kumpulan Johor Corporation Berhad KOPJCORP Pinjaman Peribadi Personal Loan

About Us

Koperasi Kumpulan Johor Corporation Berhad (KOPJCORP) was established on 14 October 1978 where the members of KOPJCORP consisted of employees in the Johor Corporation group.

KOPJCORP which is a credit cooperative was reactivated on 1 October 2013 where membership was extended to employees of companies in the group with the objective of improving the socio-economy and providing various benefits to the members of the cooperative. KOPJCORP has also been involved in various business activities such as personal loans, oil pumps, supermarkets and others.

Koperasi Kumpulan Johor Corporation Berhad Membership Fee

  1. KOPJCORP membership is open to all employees working in Johor Corporation and its subsidiaries of Johor Corporation.
  2. Send the Member-i application form together with the following payment:-
    • Entrance Fee RM10
    • Share Capital RM100
    • Monthly Fee (Contribution) RM30 (minimum)
    • Cash Payment Method
    • Salary cut

Membership Requirements

According to Sections 26 and 27 of the Act, a person who wishes to be a member of this Cooperative must:

  1. Malaysian citizen
  2. Has reached the age of eighteen years
  3. Reside or work or have land in the area of ​​operation of this Cooperative; and
  4. Not a person against whom is still in force a conviction for a registrable offense, or not mental incapacity, or bankruptcy who has not been discharged, or has been removed from any membership-
    which cooperative within one year.

For your information, the contribution made cannot be withdrawn unless you resign/resign as a member subject to the By-Laws of Koperasi Kumpulan Johor Corporation Berhad.

Koperasi Kumpulan Johor Corporation Berhad KOPJCORP Personal Loan Packages

Personal Financing-i

Personal Financing-i (Tawarruq) aims to provide facilities for cooperative members from the Johor Corporation group to obtain financing for personal use where the financing limit is starting from RM2,000.00 up to RM200,000.00.

Among the interesting things offered through this financing are:

Jumlah ditawarkanMinima : RM2,000 hingga;
Maksima : RM200,000
Kadar keuntungan5.5% bagi tempoh bayaran 1 hingga 3 tahun
6.0% bagi tempoh bayaran 4 hingga 10 tahun
Tempoh bayaran balik1 hingga 10 tahun (bagi anggota pekerja yang berjawatan tetap)
Mengikut tempoh baki kontrak (bagi anggota pekerja yang berjawatan kontrak)
Cara bayaran balikMelalui potongan gaji
Fi prosesRM50 : Bagi pembiayaan RM1,000 hingga RM9,000
RM100 : Bagi pembiayaan RM10,000 hingga RM200,000
Penjamin1 penjamin diperlukan bagi setiap permohonan
Perlindungan TakafulPembiayaan yang diluluskan akan dilindungi takaful sekiranya berlaku kes kematian atau kecacatan kekal kepada pemohon
KelulusanKelulusan adalah tertakluk kepada AJK Pembiayaan

Pembiayaan ini boleh diberikan kepada anggota Koperasi tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat berikut:

  • Telah menjadi anggota Koperasi sekurang-kurangnya 6 bulan
  • Telah membayar Modal Syer sebanyak RM100.00
  • Telah mencarum dalam Modal Yuran sekurang-kurangnya enam (6) bulan iaitu [RM30.00 (minima) x 6 bulan] yang berjumlah RM180.00
  • Telah berkhidmat dalam Johor Corporation atau syarikat dalam kumpulan sekurang-kurangnya satu tahun
  • Berkemampuan, iaitu potongan dalam penyata gaji tidak melebihi enam puluh peratus daripada jumlah pendapatan dan mengikut kelayakan Credit Rating
  • Baki gaji setelah ditolak bayaran balik pembiayaan perlulah tidak kurang dari RM1,000.00
  • Tiada tunggakan pada laporan kredit; kelulusan boleh dipertimbangkan oleh pihak pengurusan sekiranya mempunyai tunggakan

*source : kopjcorp.com.my

Hashtag / Keywords

#pinjamanperibadi #personalloan #pembiayaanperibadi #personalfinancing #koperasi #KoperasiKumpulanJohorCorporationBerhad #KOPJCORP


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